Archive for April, 2019

I’m Glad They Saved As Much They Did

April 16, 2019

(I want to make it clear up front that I’m not making fun of this situation.  Just consider this another example of how a small typo and unintentional ambiguity can lead to sitcom like situations.)

Message received via text yesterday:  Notre Dame is on fire right now.

My actual first response:  Come on, even know that Notre Dame isn’t playing today.

Me not long after:  Oh!  Notre-Dame is on fire!  YIKES!

I’ll Probably Still Be At Least Humming It Tomorrow As Well

April 15, 2019

This morning:  Went over the Preamble to the Constitution with my son.

By afternoon:  Realized I had already sung the damn song easily a dozen times.

Overheard During The Day’s Excursion

April 12, 2019

“I know you said that it’s rude to bring outside food into this restaurant, but I asked the lady over there and she said it was okay.”

“Because that’s what polite people say to rude people who ask if it’s okay that they’re being rude.”

I’m Blaming This Thought On Posting Before The Sun Is Up

April 11, 2019

If someone knocks on your door and your dog doesn’t bark, did the knock actually make a sound?

An Excerpt From Some Play With My Son

April 10, 2019

Mysterious Voice (My son):  Once again we need your help on an adventure.

Our “Not So Brave” Hero (Me):  Can’t you get somebody else to do it?

Mysterious Voice:  We wanted Superman, but he’s on another continent.

Our “Not So Brave” Hero:  I can wait.

Mysterious Voice:  No!

Our “Not So Brave” Hero:  Fiiiiiiiiine.

So I Think He Got It

April 9, 2019

Recently I used the phrase “chewing the scenery” within earshot of my son, but I had my doubts that he’d fully understood what I meant until a few days later I heard him say that someone was “chewing the scenery like a rancor chewing on the fourth wall.”

He Was Grinning When He Asked That Though, So MAYBE He Was Kidding And Actually Got The Point This Time

April 8, 2019

“We’ll get started in about twenty minutes,” I told my son this morning.  “Nineteen minutes, to be precise.”

“I thought you were done with being ‘precise,'” he replied.  “It’s kind of annoying.”

“The day I can say ‘about twenty minutes’ and you accept that as an answer is the day I’ll stop being so ‘precise,'” I told him.

“But is that eighteen minutes . . . or twenty-two . . . or seventeen . . . or what?” my son then wanted to know.

And That’s What I Did

April 5, 2019

Me (while staring at a project in progress that took two hours of research and back and forth tweaking to make something work):  After all that, I wonder what the odds are that I’ve managed to at least save as much time on the next step as I spent on this one trying to make the next step easier?  Probably best not to dwell on it and just move on.

When NOT Making The Joke Leads To More Jokes

April 4, 2019

Lala:  I’m going to draw a bath.

Me:  *doesn’t take the joke bait, but it doesn’t make any difference*

Lala:  . . . with crayon!

L’s Mother:  You should use water colors instead!

Points For Timing (And I Actually Heard Most Of This)

April 3, 2019

To follow-up on yesterday, apparently right after I went back today for a quick nap, my son lost his pet rock.  (It was later recovered.) While he and Lala searched the house, he asked her if they should ask me if I knew where it was.

Checking the bedroom door and finding it locked (something I do when I want to make it clear I’m not to be casually disturbed), my son wanted to knock, but Lala said no.

“If he’s resting, we shouldn’t wake him with a loud knock,” she said.

*Cue the only delivery man in weeks to actually knock on our door loud enough to be heard to knock like the police are about to break down our door.*

“Yeah, like that one,” Lala sighed.